Play an array sound list
Opened this issue · 1 comments
I have an array with some .mp3's id, for example:
$scope.list = ['bass', 'bass', 'bongo'];
And I want to play that sequence with a general form.
I tried a forEach, like this:
angular.forEach($scope.list, function(value, key) {;
But that plays all the audios at the same time.
I tried using completeCallback and worked, but I had to put manually each element of the array.
Is there any function or method to play one by one?
Sorry my bad english.
Finally a friend helped me.
If it helps someone the solution is inserting the function "play" into a $timeout, and asigning an incremental variable at delay.
Like this:
var delay = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.list, function(value, key) {
$timeout(function() {;
}, delay);
delay += 1000; //1s
Sorry my bad english!!