
F-droid build of floccus is broke

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Using LineageOS 21, most recent version.

I today upgrade to 5.0.12. It doesn't start, only shows a blank screen. I cleared the cache, deleted storage, reinstalled app, nothing helped.
Had to reinstall 5.0.11. works flawless.

Hello 👋

Thank you for taking the time to open this issue with floccus. I know it's frustrating when software
causes problems. You have made the right choice to come here and open an issue to make sure your problem gets looked at
and if possible solved.
I'm Marcel and I created floccus and have been maintaining it ever since.
I currently work for Nextcloud which leaves me with less time for side projects like this one
than I used to have.
I still try to answer all issues and if possible fix all bugs here, but it sometimes takes a while until I get to it.
Until then, please be patient.
Note also that GitHub is a place where people meet to make software better together. Nobody here is under any obligation
to help you, solve your problems or deliver on any expectations or demands you may have, but if enough people come together we can
collaborate to make this software better. For everyone.
Thus, if you can, you could also have a look at other issues to see whether you can help other people with your knowledge
and experience. If you have coding experience it would also be awesome if you could step up to dive into the code and
try to fix the odd bug yourself. Everyone will be thankful for extra helping hands!
One last word: If you feel, at any point, like you need to vent, this is not the place for it; you can go to the forum,
to twitter or somewhere else. But this is a technical issue tracker, so please make sure to
focus on the tech and keep your opinions to yourself.

I look forward to working with you on this issue
Cheers 💙

Ah, the bug is already resolved. Thank you for reporting, still.

Hi @marcelklehr ,

quite possible I miss something, but the f-droid version 5.0.12 mentioned by the OP is based on revision c8cf591, i.e. --- as of now --- still being the latest version of the code in https://github.com/floccusaddon/floccus/tree/develop/android. How did You come to the conclusion the bug may already be fixed :) ? Which commit should have helped?

That said, I am having the same problems as the OP (although I did not clear the cache or downgraded to the working 5.0.11 I had before).

For the record: Pixel phone running Android 13.

Many thanks, for providing floccus.

This is the commit that fixed it: 250257c

Clarification: The bug is fixed in the source code ;)

Ah, sorry, I did not notice the Android build in "android" directory is dragging in things from "../src".
Thanks for the clarification!

Thanks for the info.