
Question about add replayui Creep Score

ChronoBrake opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey, quick question. Why you not add reading creep score from replay ui?


first line is creep score value for random player in spectator mode

floh22 commented

The testing I did showed that the values in the replay ui only updated when the ui is active, and since many tools hide the UI to add their own, this means that the values never update. At least this is what I observed.

Do the values always update for you? If yes, would you mind sharing what objects in memory you looked at to get the data and what your settings were in game?

Yes you are right. This only updates when the scoreboard is visible. In contrast, many developers use tools like your "farsight" on a separate PC. So in short:
1st computer = primary observer, records gameplay
2nd computer = observer that collects statistics and sends them to the server/1 computer.

I know this would only be for people who use more than one computer (if they hide leaderboards), but it would still be very useful. The same can be read from here Bounty etc.

Is stupid, but LOL Client don't have any other way to read CS from spectator

You can use LiveEvents API to calculate the creepyscore.

Non neutral Minions: +1
SRU_MurkwolfMini: +1
SRU_Razorbeak: +2
SRU_Razorbeak "Mini": +0.4 (this is not exact if the player don't kill all the Minis)
SRU_Krug: +4
Other Minis: +4
SRU_Murkwolf: +2
Barrel: 0
Other Mini: 0
Rest: +1

This calculations are not exact, but later you can correct with InGame API when data is refreshed after search 10 untis on each player