Improve the bilingual design
L-TChen opened this issue · 3 comments
Ideally, a bilingual page should consist of a skeleton page (a html tree where leaves are text variables) and two sets of actual texts in different languages (which can be stored in the yaml front matter in the same file). It follows that each version of the same page will have exactly the same html structure and style.
An easy solution:
a locale file can be loaded as a context to replace variables in a template using
metadataFieldFrom :: FilePath -> Context a
metadataFieldFrom fp = Context $ \k _ _ -> do
let id = fromFilePath fp
empty' = noResult $ "No '" ++ k ++ "' field in metadata " ++
"of item " ++ show id
value <- getMetadataField id k
maybe empty' (return . StringField) value
Then, we can combine this context when loading the template.
It is better to write a specialised template loader with type:
Identifier -> Lang -> Context a -> Item a -> Compiler (Item String)
and it should pick the right locale file and set lang
variable accordingly.
Also, the following functions will be used:
loadAndApplyTemplateLC :: Identifier -> String -> Context a -> Item a -> Compiler (Item String)
loadAndApplyTemplateLC id lc cxt =
let cxt' = constField "lang" lc <> metadataFieldFrom (toFilePath id ++ '.':lc) <> cxt
in loadAndApplyTemplate id cxt'
applyAsTemplateLC :: String -> Context String -> Item String -> Compiler (Item String)
applyAsTemplateLC lc cxt item =
let locale = metadataFieldFrom $ toFilePath (itemIdentifier item) ++ '.':lc
in applyAsTemplate (constField "lang" lc <> locale <> cxt) item
These two variants load a file or a template filename
with its localisation file