
Case layers order

d1nuc0m opened this issue · 3 comments

I was trying to understand the assembly order for the lasercut layers, but I have doubts


In relation to the scheme above, layers from lower to upper:

  • Low profile: A-B-F-C-E-D
    • Is this correct? (I'm quite confident of this one, but better safe than sorry)
  • High profile: A-B-F-C-E-I-K-J-L-D
    • Is this correct?
    • If so, where should G and H go?

for the low profile it's: B-A-F-C-E-D
for the high profile it's: B-A-F-C-E-D-J-L
G, H as well as I and K are duplicates. I cut some text in the second G for example, but it didn't turn out that visible. The duplicate I and K pieces are useful, because these easily snap in the corners during transport or if you're not careful handling them.

Thank you, if I understood the order, new piece in #3 should be ok. Anyway, considered adding layered case assembly instructions to the repository? I would have made a mess without asking 😅

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll have a look at it on the weekend. Or if you want you can create a PR with your sketch as well, I'll merge it.