
Android Studio Preview not working

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Florent,
Firstly, thank so much for awesome work, I really love it.
I checkout project then try to run on my own but there's something not correct

Here is design mode:
screen shot 2015-07-31 at 9 29 36 am

In activity:
screen shot 2015-07-31 at 9 32 45 am

Image preview and set text seems not working. Can you help me to find out what going not correct ?
Thanks :)

Hi, sometimes the preview don't do the work the first time, click on the refresh button, it should work :)

capture d ecran 2015-08-01 a 00 01 02

It would be worth adding a (large?) note to the README and/or Wiki because I had this problem and had almost given up on the library before seeing this issue. @florent37