
(java 7) It seems that onAccepted or onDenied are not called

Bloubloublou opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, i hope you could help me...
Here is my code (basically the same as in readme)

            .ask(new PermissionListener() {

                public void onAccepted(RuntimePermission runtimePermission, List<String> accepted) {
                    //all permissions already granted or just grantedyour action
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            Log.d("PERMISSIONS", "accepted");

                public void onDenied(RuntimePermission runtimePermission, List<String> denied, List<String> foreverDenied) {
                    //the list of denied permissions
                    for (String permission : denied) {
                        Log.d("PERMISSIONS", permission + " denied");
                    //permission denied, but you can ask again, eg:

                    //the list of forever denied permissions, user has check 'never ask again'
                    for (String permission : foreverDenied) {
                        Log.d("PERMISSIONS", permission + " forever denied");
                    // you need to open setting manually if you really need it

The permission is asked but there is no log "accepted" or "denied" (when I try to call a pop up dialog it is not displayed) . Why that?

Yeah onAccepted() not call in first run. Why ?

can you try with the last version ?

I tried to use it.
But the problem was not resolved.
I finally deleted the library