lumpidu opened this issue · 3 comments
you're using GPL as License. This is of course limiting the usage of your gem quite a lot as it means one cannot use it in commercial applications.
Is there a reason for that ? Do you use any 3rd party GPL code ?
You can use it in commercial applications. You cannot redistribute it without providing its source code (including any changes you made to it) and the source code of the ruby it is linked to.
So what's the difference then between GPL and LGPL for ruby source code ?
LGPL was created to allow distribution of programs that were dynamically linked to LGPL licensed libraries like for example the GNU libc. That's kind of pointless for ruby source files as opposed to c source files because they aren't compiled into shared objects. Also licensing ruby source files as GPL usually already entails distributing the library and changes to it as the source itself because the ruby source is usually compiled by a ruby on the fly. There could be an exception to this rule if somebody would distribute rubinius rbc files or something like that, In this case he would have to provide the source code these rbc were created from.