
Invalid width for image dimensions requested

IReese opened this issue · 1 comments

I posted a similar issue with tilemill-project here: tilemill-project#2635

II reinstalled Tileoven using the standard install with one modification:

git clone https://github.com/florianf/tileoven.git
cd tileoven/
nvm use 8.11.3
npm install

The install works, Tileoven is running,however when I am using Tileoven, I get an error when trying to load large rasters (>5GB) or vrts.

Three scenarios happen when I attempt to load a large raster:

1.Zoom 0-8. Error message:
Message: console message: @5571: Invalid width for image dimensions requested
2. Zoom 9-11. My memory maxes out, switchs to swap, hangs my machine, then kills Tilemill with SIGKILL. The swap remains full after Tileoven dies
3. Zoom 12-20. Raster loads normally with NO errors and works fine.

I've tried a number of solutions so far but none have worked:

  1. Increasing node memory limits: NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=8192" nvm run 4.9.1 ./index.js
  2. Decreasing swap

I suspect this map be an issue with with Mapnik and not Tileoven.

Any ideas where to go next?

Resolved. At least on our end.

Under dependencies in the package.json, I updated the mapnik version to instead use "mapnik": "~3.7.2"` ' before I installed.

Then I installed Tilemill using node8.10.0

nvm use 8.10.0
npm install

Looks like this was in issue a while back in Mapnik:


but resolved in Mapnik v3.7.2