underdispersion in nbinominal GLMM
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Hi @florianhartig,
First of all, thank you for bringing DHARMa to our work – it's been incredibly helpful!
I have encountered dispersion issues while fitting a GLMM using glmmTMB. Initially, I aimed to explore the relationship between prevalence (defined as infectedbird / totalbird) and explanatory variables. I started with the following code:
modelone <-gimmtmB(cbind(infectedbird, totalbird - infectedbird) ~ latitude + longitude + season*route + (1 | ID)+(1 | birdsp),family= binomial(link ="logit")),
However, an overdispersion issue was detected. To address this, I adjusted the model to a negative binomial GLMM:
modeltwo<- glmmTMB(infectedbird ~ latitude + longitude + season * route + (1 | birdsp) + (1 | ID)+offset(log(totalbird)),family = nbinom2(link = "log")).
After running the dispersion test, I found an underdispersion issue instead:
DHARMa nonparametric dispersion test via sd of residuals fitted vs. simulated
data: simulationOutput
dispersion = 0.23962, p-value = 0.44
I would appreciate any insights into addressing the underdispersion.