Go Developer Certification Course Repository

Welcome to the Go Developer Certification Course Repository! This repository houses a series of programming assignments and their solutions, all tailored towards helping learners become certified Go developers. Within, you'll find directories for each assignment reflective of the Go (Golang) programming language's wide-ranging applications.

Table of Contents


Go, or Golang, is an open-source programming language that prioritizes simplicity, performance, and efficiency. This repository is crafted for individuals on their path to Go developer certification. It encompasses various assignments, from fundamental syntax to advanced programming concepts like concurrency and interface design.

How to Use This Repository

This repository is structured to aid those enrolled in a Go developer certification course, as well as self-learners looking for practice exercises:

  • Attempt First: We encourage you to try solving the assignments by yourself to ensure active learning and skill development.
  • Solution Reference: The solutions are provided for you to compare your answers, learn different approaches to problem-solving, and for educational purposes only.
  • Inspiration and Learning: If you find yourself stuck on a problem, the solutions can serve as a learning tool. Aim to understand the logic and implementation rather than copying the code.


The assignments are organized into specific directories, excluding any folders named with _review. Below is an outline of the topics covered:

  • animal: Explore the basics of structuring and manipulating data.
  • animals_interface: Delve into interfaces and how they can be used to create flexible code structures.
  • bubblesort: Learn sorting algorithms starting with bubble sort, a fundamental algorithm in computer science.
  • concurrent_sort: Advance into concurrency in Go with a sorting algorithm example.
  • dining_philosophers: Tackle the classic concurrency problem to understand mutexes and channel communication.
  • findian: Practice with string manipulation and searching algorithms.
  • gendisplacefn: Explore functions and how to generate and use them dynamically.
  • json: Work with JSON in Go, focusing on parsing and marshalling.
  • raceconditions: Investigate race conditions and learn how to avoid them.
  • read: Learn about reading from and writing to files in Go.
  • slice: Manipulate slices in Go, understanding their dynamic properties.
  • trunc: Practice with basic data types and conversions.


Feel free to contribute to this repository. If you wish to add solutions, refine existing ones, or contribute new assignments, please follow the standard GitHub fork-and-pull request process. Ensure your code is well-commented and adheres to Go best practices.


This repository is available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the contents as long as you provide attribution back to this repository.

Happy Learning!