
Search Across Multiple Entities

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm so new to this I shouldn't be allowed on the internet. But I am confused about how this works. In each of your examples you seem to be querying a specific entity...


What if I wanted to search across multiple entities? Is that possible? Am I missing how that is accomplished?

I'm searching for that to !

You can only search across one entity.

It is an interesting scenario. Do you have an example query?

I Index all my user, and all m'y project. User are assigned to a project so when i make à request for "User 1" i want to have User 1 from user and all my project where User 1 work on :-)
Actually I'm using two request and merge the result !

This looks a oneToMany/manyToMany relation in your DB. The bundle supports object-relation

Your user entity would look like this:

 * @var Project[]
 * @Solr\Field(type="strings", getter="getName")
 * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Project", mappedBy="post", cascade={"persist"})
private $projects;

Yes, my example was wrong !

In my case, i had to mapped three entities :

  • User
  • Project
  • Sample

and i'm using solr for a research field (Incredible no ?) My users can create project, or sample, a sample can be link to a project.
If i only use a request on my entity "Project" :

I've got 2 User :

  • User1 (Creator of project and admin on my app)
  • User2 (Worker)

1 Project :

  • ProjectName : "User2 - Project1"
    ProjectCreateBy : User1

3 Sample : SampleName :

  • SampleName : "Sample1"
    Project : "Project1"
    CreatedBy : "User2"
  • SampleName : "Sample2"
    Project : "Project1"
    CreatedBy : "User2"
  • SampleName : "Sample3"
    Project : "NULL"
    CreatedBy : "User1"

If I made a request with research term "User2" I want to return the user, the project and two sample, actually i've got my user and my sample. Did you see what i meen ?

Sorry for my english ...

My example is just for a general site search. If someone searches for "category" then I want to see a result set containing blog posts, articles, news headlines, pages, or what ever entities that have the "category" in the title or body text.

@xpersonas no that is not possible. You must write a select-query and pass it through the solarium-client.

@Krishn4k you can not search across three entities. In your case you can do something like that:

$result = $this->get('solr.client')->getRepository('YourUserEntity')->findOneBy(array(
    'projects' => 'projectname'