

aryantiw opened this issue · 2 comments

Application Name: TaskMaster

Tier: 1-Beginner

TaskMaster is a simple task management application designed for beginners. Its main purpose is to help users keep track of their tasks and stay organized. The application allows users to create, edit, and mark tasks as completed.

User Stories

  • User can create a new task with a title and description.
  • User can edit the title and description of an existing task.
  • User can mark a task as completed.
  • User can view a list of all their tasks.
  • User can delete a task.
  • User can filter tasks by completed and incomplete status.

Bonus Features

  • User can set due dates for tasks.
  • User can categorize tasks into different lists or categories.
  • User can prioritize tasks with a simple high, medium, or low priority system.
  • User can search for tasks by title or keyword.
  • User can set reminders for important tasks.
  • User can sign up and log in to save their tasks across sessions.

Resources Needed

  • A programming environment (e.g., Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or any text editor)
  • Basic knowledge of a programming language (e.g., Python, JavaScript)
  • Familiarity with web development (HTML, CSS, and optionally, JavaScript for bonus features)
  • A web hosting service if you want to deploy the application online

Useful Links and Resources

Example Projects

  1. TodoMVC: A collection of examples showcasing different implementations of a todo list application using various web technologies.
  2. Wunderlist: An advanced task management application that offers features like due dates, collaboration, and more. This can serve as inspiration for bonus features.
  3. My Todo app: This is a very basic todo app created by myself hope it helps.

kindly add this as a project idea

hii @aryantiw
I am interested in this project please assign it to me.