
Elastic Search support

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello, has anyone successfully gotten the elastic search container to work for global search on a hosted instance? I was able to get ES working but I think there is an error in the python calls to ES.

What you need is elasticsearch:1.7-alpine image with ICU plugin installed /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-analysis-icu/2.7.0.
Then you should provision and reindex, see recently contributed doc.
Not absolutely sure that's the case with current master in this repository - you may also need to install elasticsearch==1.7.0 with pip.

P.S. Hopefully, I will open a pull with up-to-date RTD, search working, etc in coming weeks. It has been working on my desk for quite some time..

Thanks! I will continue to work on this and will submit PR for a full dockerfile/docker-compoe.yml if I have any breakthroughs

@scottnasello, ES should be working out-of-box with current master (see #4).
Please comment if you experience any issues.
Good luck!

Here's some screen shots of my new docker build with ES GLOBAL SEARCH. So awesome!

  1. The failing build below doesn't have a docs folder


  1. The search hits are itemized by project


  1. RTD provides context highlighting after clicking on a hit from the Elastic Search Results
