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WISMIR3: A Multi-Modal Dataset to Challenge Text-Image Retrieval Approaches

This repository contains the code and data of the WISMIR3 Dataset.

Paper page Dataset on HF


This paper presents WISMIR3, a multi-modal dataset comprising roughly 300K text-image pairs from Wikipedia. With a sophisticated automatic ETL pipeline, we scraped, filtered, and transformed the data so that WISMIR3 intrinsically differs from other popular text-image datasets like COCO and Flickr30k. We prove this difference by comparing various linguistic statistics between the three datasets computed using the pipeline. The primary purpose of WISMIR3 is to use it as a benchmark to challenge state-of-the-art text-image retrieval approaches, which already reach around 90% Recall@5 scores on the mentioned popular datasets. Therefore, we ran several text-image retrieval experiments on our dataset using current models, which show that the models, in fact, perform significantly worse compared to evaluation results on COCO and Flickr30k. In addition, for each text-image pair, we release features computed by Faster-R-CNN and CLIP models. With this, we want to ease and motivate the use of the dataset for other researchers.


A simple and efficient ETL Pipeline to access and transform the WikiCaps dataset.

The tool is capable of

  • collecting linguistic metadata based on the captions using different models and frameworks
  • flexibly filtering the data with user-defined filters
  • downloading the images in parallel
  • applying customizable transformations to the images and text after the download
  • persisting the data in an easy to use and efficient format

How to run the pipeline

Requirements: conda env create --file environment.yml

python main.py --config=configs/config_gpu_server_spacy_v2.yml

Results DataFrame Columns

The ETL Pipeline outputs a Pandas DataFrame containing metadata about the captions and links to the images.

How to read the DataFrame

Requirements: pip install pandas pyarrow

import pandas as pd

metadata = pd.read_feather("path/to/metadata.feather", use_threads=True)
ColumnId Description Datatype
wikicaps_id ID (line number) of the row in the original WikiCaps Dataset img_en int
wikimedia_file Wikimedia File ID of the Image associated with the Caption str
caption Caption of the Image str
image_path Local path to the (downloaded) image str
num_tok Number of Tokens in the caption int
num_sent Number of Sentences in the caption int
min_sent_len Minimum number of Tokens in the Sentences of the caption int
max_sent_len Maximum number of Tokens in the Sentences of the caption int
num_ne Number of Named Entities in the caption int
num_nouns Number of Tokens with NOUN POS Tag ** int
num_propn Number of Tokens with PROPN POS Tag ** int
num_conj Number of Tokens with CONJ POS Tag ** int
num_verb Number of Tokens with VERB POS Tag ** int
num_sym Number of Tokens with SYM POS Tag ** int
num_num Number of Tokens with NUM POS Tag ** int
num_adp Number of Tokens with ADP POS Tag ** int
num_adj Number of Tokens with ADJ POS Tag ** int
ratio_ne_tok Ratio of tokens associated with Named Entities vs all Tokens ** int
ratio_noun_tok Ratio of tokens tagged as NOUN vs all Tokens ** int
ratio_propn_tok Ratio of tokens tagged as PROPN vs all Tokens ** int
ratio_all_noun_tok Ratio of tokens tagged as PROPN or NOUN vs all Tokens ** int
fk_re_score Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score of the Caption *** int
fk_gl_score Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score of the Caption *** int
dc_score Dale-Chall score of the Caption *** int
ne_texts Surface form of detected NamedEntities List[str]
ne_types Types of the detected NamedEntities (PER, LOC, GPE, etc.) List[str]

** This column is only available if config.input_data.pos_tag_stats == True . Click here for a detailed description of the POS Tags

*** This column is only available if config.input_data.readability_scores == True . Click here for more information about Readability Scores


If you use this dataset or code, please cite:

title={{WISMIR}3: A Multi-Modal Dataset to Challenge Text-Image Retrieval Approaches},
author={Florian Schneider and Chris Biemann},
booktitle={3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR)},

WikiCaps publication

For more Information about the original WikiCaps Dataset, see https://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/statnlpgroup/wikicaps/

Shigehiko Schamoni, Julian Hitschler and Stefan Riezler
A Dataset and Reranking Method for Multimodal MT of User-Generated Image Captions
Proceedings of the 13th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA), Boston, MA, USA, 2018