
Type hints doesn't work in WSL2 with LSP

romanlex opened this issue · 2 comments

  • VSCode Version: 1.45.0
  • Local OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 19619
  • Remote OS Version: Ubuntu-20.01

WSL2 log

[2020-05-13 08:41:54.133] Resolving wsl+Ubuntu-20.04, resolveAttempt: 1
[2020-05-13 08:41:54.159] Starting VS Code Server inside WSL (Ubuntu-20.04)
[2020-05-13 08:41:54.159] Extension version: 0.44.2, Windows build: 19619. Multi distro support: available. WSL path support: enabled
[2020-05-13 08:41:54.243] Connecting to daemon started by other Remote-WSL window... 4.19.104-microsoft-standard Ubuntu-20.04
[2020-05-13 08:41:54.243] WSL resolver response:
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Flow works but on hint I don't see any types with hover on vars

And error

Same thing is happening with SSH

I found what flow is work correctly with command
node_modules/.bin/flow type-at-pos src/view/molecules/meta-provider/model/store.js 154 15
but vscode on type hint show any(