
WSAPI client written in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


CA Agile Central (formerly Rally) WSAPI client written in Ruby.


In order to authenticate to WSAPI, you will need to obtain an API key for the Rally account. This can be done via Rally OAuth, for example.

Once you have the API key, you can initialize the session object with the key:

s = Wsapi::Session.new("deadbeefdeadbeef")

The constructor also accepts the following options:

Using WSAPI with OAuth2

Authenticating to WSAPI is also possible with OAuth2. Access token used in requests is given in place of the API token. Refresh token can be supplied with Wsapi::Session#.setup_refresh_token(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token) method. It takes optional block parameter, which is called every time the access token is refreshed.

Method reference for Session

Some methods accept an optional hash that can have the following options:

  • :query, add conditions for fetching objects. E.g. (UserName = "John"), see WSAPI documentation for details about the syntax
  • :start, default: 1, fetch results starting from given number
  • :workspace, override workspace setting of the session
  • :pagesize, default: 200, page size for results
  • :fetch, default: true, fetch full objects

Get the authenticated user


Get a user


Get a user by username


Get users by query

get_users(query_string = nil)

If the query_string is present, applies it to the request. Otherwise returns all users. See WSAPI documentation for details about query_string syntax.

Get the subscription of the authenticated user


Get a subscription by object id


Get a subscription by subscription id


Get a project


Get projects of the authenticated user

get_projects(opts = {})

Get team members in a project

get_team_members(project_id, opts = {})

Get editors in a project

get_editors(project_id, opts = {})

Update any object with parameters hash

This method replaces #update_artifact, which has been deprecated.

update(object_type, object_id, parameters)

Create an object with a fields hash

create(object_type, object_fields)

Build a wsapi object url

This URL could be used when associating artifacts in the #create or #update methods

build_object_url(object_type, object_id)

Setup refresh token to be used with OAuth2

setup_refresh_token(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, &block)

See (Using WSAPI with OAuth2)[https://github.com/flowdock/rally-wsapi#using-wsapi-with-oauth2] for more info.

Result objects

There's a couple of convenience classes for the following object types:

  • User
  • Subscription
  • Project

Other object types are represented by the generic Object class which the specific types above extend.



  • id, identifier of the object
  • name, name of the object
  • url, URL of the object
  • workspace, name of the object's workspace



  • username, username
  • first_name, first name
  • last_name, last name
  • name, full name
  • email, email address
  • admin?, is the user admin in the subscription?



  • subscription_id, subcription identifier



  • subscription, Subscription of the project