forward/inverse check
x75 opened this issue · 1 comments
in sensorimotor models there is a check for wether we do a forward or inverse prediction like
if in_dims == self.m_dims and out_dims == self.s_dims: # forward
elif in_dims == self.s_dims and out_dims == self.m_dims: # inverse
if s_dims and m_dims happen to be equal i guess this will fail?
The objects self.m_dims, self.s_dims, in_dims and out_dims are all lists of integers.
For instance, using a 3 DOFs arm with the 3D position of the hand as sensory space, self.m_dims would be [0, 1, 2] and self.s_dims would be [3, 4, 5].
Thus if you ask an inference with in_dims=[0, 1, 2] and out_dims=[3, 4, 5] then it will do forward prediction, and with the reverse it will perform inverse inference.
Thanks for asking, maybe we should add some clarifying comments in this file.