
Mail distribution ...

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We need to support a general mailer for flowgramamble related stuff. Someone on the mail list doesn't need to be a registered user of our system.

The backend should be extended to include a email distribution module.

The module should support:

  • subscribe a new recipient
  • unsubscribe an existing recipient
  • mail all recipients
  • list all recipients
  • list specific recipient

A recipient should include the following information ....

  • first/last name (mandatory)
  • email (mandatory)
  • company (optional)
  • subscriber identifier (optional, maybe doesn't exist)

The frontend should be extended to include:

  • subscribe a new recipient
  • unsubscribe an existing recipient

An operator cli should be developed to support:

  • mailing the recipients
  • listing the recipients
  • listing a single recipient

Care should be given for:

  • prevent scripting the subscribe process
  • unify with existing data model