
adding 2 traces causes issues

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adding 2 traces causes issues

This may just be generalized problem of creating assets, and then deleting assets. Just running a javascript console and creating: packets, profiles, switches, and simulations, and then randomly deleting assets throws several exceptions.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'protocols' of null
at k.controller.b.calcPayloadBytes (scripts.1d0815fd.js:2)
at Object.fn (scripts.1d0815fd.js:2)
at k.$get.k.$digest (vendor.755eff2e.js:2)
at k.$get.k.$apply (vendor.755eff2e.js:2)
at HTMLSpanElement. (vendor.755eff2e.js:2)
at HTMLSpanElement..event.dispatch (vendor.755eff2e.js:1)
at HTMLSpanElement.
.event.add.q.handle (vendor.755eff2e.js:1)

This is related to how we handle the payload bytes in the packet visualization. This should be resolved in branch ui-state