
`insertSubview:at:` seems to be off by one

Closed this issue · 2 comments

janek commented


insertSubviews seems to be off by one, running the same code on iOS and macOS gives a different view hierarchy. Code to reproduce this in our DemoApp is attached at the bottom of the post, shortened pseudode below.


add 3 square views 
insert a blue horizontal view at index #1


iOS macOS
Screenshot 2020-02-18 at 14 23 16 Screenshot 2020-02-18 at 14 41 18
Correct, blue view seems to be on the position with index 1 Incorrect, blue view seems to be on position with index 2

Note: this does not affect inserting at index 0 - that one behaves correctly

Snippets for reproduction and debugging


@janek thanks for reporting this. Apparently this doesn't affect our use cases directly but it's a pretty fundamental functionality that we should get right. It should also be easy to make a unit test for this that runs on both iOS and Android for this.

janek commented

Yes, I already experimented with a test for both platforms. The snippet I posted doesn't exactly work, but is a useful starting point. It needs to have the indicator stuff commented out and have some more variety in cases it tests.

I didn't want to get too sidetracked, as I was doing something else, but I'm very happy to push this quite soon.