The audio doesn't come out
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I'm currently using the latest version of FlowPlayer.
Here's my cocoapods
pod 'Flowplayer'
pod 'Rollbar'
pod 'GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK'
And here's how I implement it
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
containerView.subviews.forEach { $0.removeFromSuperview() }
let config = FPPlayerControlConfigBuilder()
Is there anything that I missed?
these are 2 videos that show the case
Thanks for the report; the dev team is looking into it.
Hi @mazmik25,
We have looked into your bug report about the Audio. A new version 2.0.2 for pod 'Flowplayer'
has been release and will be available in the next couple of hours via CocoaPods. Make sure to run pod repo update
before updating the Flowplayer pod.
If you have integrated the SDK manually you can downloaded the release using the release page of Flowplayer SDK.
If the issue has not been fixed for you, feel free to leave a comment.
Ok. I'll try it and give it the updates
Hi @mazmik25, It should be online. Please do the following to make sure that CocoaPods updates the pods.
pod repo update # This will fetch the new CocoaPods from Master
pod update # This will update your current pods
If this step doesn't update Flowplayer, please do the following:
In you Podfile set the minimum version to 2.0.2
pod 'Flowplayer', '~> 2.0.2
Then in terminal
pod repo update
pod update
After set the minimum, I could install the latest version. I will give the update soon about the issue. Thank you @Denpex
I used the latest version, 2.0.2. It works in iOS 15. However, when it's tested on iOS 14.3 and 14.8, the audio still didn't come out. Any other configurations that I missed?
@Denpex @bbbo
@mazmik25 are you using the SDK with Swift or Objective-C and does the same issue happen on both simulator and physical device?
Hi @Denpex
I'm using Swift and the audio issue only occurs in physical device. Specifically iPhone X OS 14.3 and iPhone 11 OS 14.8. One of my tester was using iPhone 11 OS 14.8 and got the issue. After he updated the OS to 15, the audio started to come out
Hi @mazmik25,
Thanks for the detailed feedback, you are probably missing:
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback)
Add this line to viewDidLoad
before using Flowplayer or in your AppDelegate
on app startup. This will tell iOS that your app uses Audio playback that is crucial for your app also make sure the volume is on :D. We do not set this global variable inside of the SDK as it's the client's app responsibility to handle different types of permissions.
The swift demo app of Flowplayer also has been updated and refactored to showcase this thanks to your feedback. There is also a new version of Flowplayer out 2.0.3, this is just a minor patch version.
Hi @Denpex
I'll try the recommendation and give you the feedback ASAP. Thanks for your help!
Hi, just want to give you the updates. It is now fixed. Thank you!