
Rewrite Module Packaging Logic

Opened this issue · 3 comments

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Hello! I'm back for business.

  1. The current logic with packaging modules is very complicated. I would know as I wrote most of it 😪 Having looked through some of the CDK esbuild logic I like what they've done and instead of trying to determine what modules to package based on npm ls or yarn list they instead simply create a fake package.json and run the equivalent install command. This should make supporting newer and future bundlers simpler.

  2. I would like to add per function external and exclude logic. I think excluding deps because we can't detect them being used in a function is error prone so we should instead encourage users to use per function excludes if they choose to package individually.

  3. Add support for pnpm.

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I'd also like to improve lifecycle hooks, add new hooks like before/after bundle, before/after package, etc.

for ref: #158

it could be a valuable step toward the serverless-esbuild v2

I'll look to raise some PRs just shortly after the new years, in case someone is wondering.