
Perform multiple packet captures within a pods' network namespace.


This is a small mvp for a issue I had, we needed a way to see, in real-time tcpdumps, and/or run them concurrently and save the output, so that all traffic is accounted for in mutliple interfaces. This is a Taskfile that uses go-task to run nsenter-ed commands like tcpdump, determines the container-id and proceess-id.


  • 1 pod with multiple interfaces ie Multus
  • 1 K8S node for the test
  • typical linux tooling, xargs, tcpdump on the node
  • go-task binary under /usr/local/bin
  • crictl included with RKE2, and/or nerdctl under /usr/local/bin


  • Create a .env file with a regex of the pod/deployment in question, ie SUSE, arch, some-app, ... Example: PODNAME=arch
  • Function cri-name and nerd-name creates a new dotenv environment file .cids-env with container-id
  • Function cri-inspect and nerd-inspect appends to the cids-env environment with the process-id of the container-id
  • Must run as root


  • a lot, this is a work in progress
  • more concurrent operations


  • Automate some bash-like functions with go-task.