
Adding an `@abs` attribute to `bufscale`

rconstanzo opened this issue · 2 comments

Popping this in here as a feature request as I can imagine it being useful across all environments.

Based on discussion in this thread on the discourse about looking for zero-crossings in a buffer, it would be great to have an @abs attribute in fluid.bufscale~ where the values are rectified before being scaled.

This would making looking for zero crossings very easy, as well as being able to do more meaningful peak picking/stats on bipolar (audio) signals.

The alternative ends up being quite clunky (in Max at least) as you have to manually uzi, abs and then query the values you want.

To be honest, this seems really niche and feature bloaty. Not sure how to best meet the feature request in another way though, beyond rectifying it using another bufscale step beforehand.

I can see that, particularly since there aren't too many transformation types available (beyond purely scaling min/max and clipping).