
Case-Sensitive Column names not working with fluentd-plugin-sql and oracle-enhanced adapter.

PODU opened this issue · 0 comments

PODU commented

In my fluentd config I have provided the following column_mapping:-

<table login.*>
        table 'login'
        column_mapping 'id:id,name:name,email:email,timestmp:timestmp'

All the comumn names mentioned above are Case-Sensitive. But duing the actual data insertion it gives an error.
The error message is:-

2021-11-20 12:53:03 +0000 [warn]: #0 Failed to create the model. Ignore a record: error_class=ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError error="unknown attribute 'id' for Fluent::Plugin::SQLOutput::BaseModel_1361409501::Login." table="login" record="{\"id\":\"febf2563-f5e9-4334-a412-6e25082a44ea\",\"name\":\"testuser\",\"email\":\"testuser@asd.com\",\"timestmp\":1637412777396}"

But the same opration is working when using fluentd with MySQL Configurations.