
Casting issue for output configuration

tdahl8 opened this issue · 0 comments

tdahl8 commented

I'm having an issue pushing data into SQL Server using this plugin. It seems the only issue I'm having is the first column, which is configured as a unique identifier in both my source and destination databases, is being cast to an int or bigint when trying to ingest. I've checked my data being pulled from my source plugin and it is correct, it seems as though this plugin has some casting issue when using output configuration.

{"time":"2023-10-24T21:28:29","level":"warn","message":"Got deterministic error. Fallback to one-by-one import error_class_ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error="TinyTds::Error: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.:INSERT INTO [table1] ([id],[status],[ident]) VALUES ('1',N'Status1',1); SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS bigint) AS Ident"","work_id:0}

If anyone has seen or knows a workaround for this that would be greatly appreciated.