
maintain nonce for users

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maintain nonce for users
lispc commented

in restapi or matchengine? Do we need to add this feature in our first demo version?

for demo, no.

But for L2 transfer/withdraw we need to sign the nonce.

BTW we also need to maintain "last_order_id" for user. so that he can sign

  hash(): bigint {
    // although there is no 'TxType.PlaceOrder' now, we can see it as a 'SignType'
    let data = hash([TxType.PlaceOrder, this.orderId, this.tokenSell, this.tokenBuy, this.totalSell, this.totalBuy]);
    //data = hash([data, accountID, nonce]);
    // nonce and orderID seems redundant?
    data = hash([data, this.accountID]);
    return data;
  signWith(account: Account) {
    this.sig = account.signHash(this.hash());