LightBar not switching on
Closed this issue · 1 comments
i tried to re install the app still nothing, tried to change the ron file but still no change, can someone help me understand why this is happening?
this is what the record for my laptopmodel looks like, dont know if its right or wrong.
my laptop has a aura keyboard with one zone, and a lightbar at the bottom that is split into a left zone left corner, middle, right corner and right zone, i tried updating the ron, but nothing changed
i dont have a picture of the edited record cause i forgot to take it before trying to reinstall but basically i put
Zoned([SingleZone.LightbarRight,LightbarLeft,LightbarRightCorner, LightbarLeftCorner, LightbarRightBottom, LightbarLeftBottom in the advanced section
Definitely not a hardware issue cause it works fine on windows.
did a reinstall again, after going to windows and getting the lightbar back on, and now it just works XD