
Deprecate iOS Objective-C create template `flutter create --ios-language objc`

jmagman opened this issue · 1 comments

We have metrics that show in 2024 Q1 less than 1% of flutter create apps were Objective-C. Deprecate and remove the flag and templates.

  1. Remove the checkbox from the Intellij plugin (VS Code extension does not seem to use this flag anywhere) flutter/flutter-intellij#7439
  2. Add a deprecation warning that the flag will be removed in a future release. Let that sit for a stable release or so to see if we get complaints.
  3. Remove the --ios-language flag and templates from the tool.
  4. Optionally: recreate Objective-C sample, example apps with the Swift template

Users will still be able to open ios/Runner.xcworkspace and add Objective-C code or replace the Swift code that's there with Objective-C.

macOS never had a flutter create -i objc option and only provided a Swift template #70598 (comment)