
How to add custom overflow string in `Text` or `TextSpan`?

Mericusta opened this issue Β· 18 comments


I want to replace overflow string '\u2026' to something else, like '...read more'.

Text uses RichText and RichText uses RenderParagraph which also doesn't take a custom value

ellipsis: overflow == TextOverflow.ellipsis ? _kEllipsis : null,

uses _kEllipsis

You would need to create a custom clone of RenderParagraph.

Text uses RichText and RichText uses RenderParagraph which also doesn't take a custom value


Line 64 in d927c93

ellipsis: overflow == TextOverflow.ellipsis ? _kEllipsis : null,
uses _kEllipsis

You would need to create a custom clone of RenderParagraph.

for more, it better to provide the way to custom the ellipsis style, and the ellipsis like "...read more" should be to be tapped.

@Mericusta hi guy, there is a workaround for this issue , see does it help for you.

the same issue to me? have some good way?

This feature would be really nice to have. I would like to customize the ellipsis to "...continue reading".

Using the extended_text package seems overkill to me, we only need to be able to simply replace a string by another.

If there was a way to override _kEllipsis that would be great, for example by adding an overflowText parameter to the widgets's constructors that use TextOverflow.ellipsis.

We could resolve this with a ignoreOverflow property on a TextSpan. That way we can add a text span after the ... ellipsis in any color and with a gesture recognizer.

https://github.com/fluttercandies/extended_text ,support Widget as TextOverflow now.

I want to give this a shot.
@zoechi Just checking if there is anything I should keep in mind while working on this.

Using the extended_text package seems overkill to me, we only need to be able to simply replace a string by another.

If there was a way to override _kEllipsis that would be great, for example by adding an overflowText parameter to the widgets's constructors that use TextOverflow.ellipsis.

It would be better if the type was InlineSpan instead of String. Then we could use any widget like TextSpan(text: '...', children: [ WidgetSpan(child: Icon(Icons.done) ]).

I would like to work on this and provide option to add custom widget instead of just text.

I would like to work on this and provide option to add custom widget instead of just text.

Thanks @campovski. Feel free to open a PR and link it to this issue.

@campovski Glad to see someone's on it. It's now Apr 2023. Any progress so far?

This issue is assigned but has had no recent status updates. Please consider unassigning this issue if it is not going to be addressed in the near future. This allows people to have a clearer picture of what work is actually planned. Thanks!

This issue was assigned to @campovski but has had no status updates in a long time. To remove any ambiguity about whether the issue is being worked on, the assignee was removed.

Would love this feature as well!