
iOS. Incorrect filename in latest download task

Shkryabminer opened this issue ยท 10 comments

iOS 14.8.1
When started FlutterDownloader.enque(...,
filename: test.mp4 (for example),
...) download task save filename _______ . I see this in var tasks = await FlutterDownloader.loadTasks(); and logs , incorrect name is put to DB table. Then when new task added previous task has correct name but the new one has _______ file name. I use Bloc and do port subscription and listening in Bloc

Did you find solution for this bug?

Just rolled back to 1.11.4 for now

@Shkryabminer can you tell me what's the file name ?

@salmaahhmed "Test.mp4", "dwsample%20mp4%201080p.mp4" - both

Look at timestamps of 2 last downloads 14:50, 14:52

@Shkryabminer please use the latest version it will be fixed.

@salmaahhmed do you mean 1.11.6?

@Shkryabminer yeah did u check ?

@salmaahhmed Yes, seems it works). Closing issue