[Question]: network_info_plus can not get the WifiGatewayIP.
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I can get getWifiName by network_info_plus .
But Can not get the GatewayIP.
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- I searched issues in this repository and couldn't find such bug/problem
- I Google'd a solution and I couldn't find it
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- I read the README.md file of the plugin
- I am using the latest version of the plugin
- All dependencies are up to date with
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- I did a
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- I tried running the example project
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插件 getGatewayIPAddress 方法
val linkAddresses =
connectivityManager?.getLinkProperties(connectivityManager.activeNetwork) 获取的是可用的网络,并不是连接的wifi网络,比如说你同时连接wifi网络,和5G网络,并且正巧你的wifi网络不可用获取的就是5G网络的网关地址,所有需要修改插件源码:
val networks = connectivityManager.allNetworks
for (network in networks) {
val networkCapabilities = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(network)
if (networkCapabilities != null && networkCapabilities.hasTransport(
NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
// 获取 Wi-Fi 的 LinkProperties
val linkProperties = connectivityManager.getLinkProperties(network)
Log.d("TAG", "Wi-Fi LinkProperties: $linkProperties")
Log.d("TAG", "Wi-Fi LinkProperties dhcpServerAddress : ${linkProperties!!.dhcpServerAddress!!.hostAddress}")