Rate limit ineffective for kustomization reconciliation events with time stamps
luk2038649 opened this issue · 2 comments
Duplicate alerts sent to external service for successful Kustomization reconciliation with an unchanged revision.
In our case, the github Provider would start to fail due to GitHub API rate limiting being applied.
To reproduce
enable rate limiting in notification controller
configure a Kustomization.interval to be less than the notification controller’s --rate-limit-interval
configure Alert for the Kustomization
The fluxcd/notification-controller provides rate limiting of duplicate events. The notification-controller uses Event.message as one of the fields to determine uniqueness. On successful reconciliation, the fluxcd/kustomize-controller emits an Event object with Event.message containing nanosecond precision duration of how long the reconcile took. The message has too much variance for the rate limiter implementation to meaningful dedupe Alerts.
Here are two example messages for the same Kustomization revision that successfully reconciled:
Reconciliation finished in 2.084434647s, next run in 1m0s
Reconciliation finished in 2.075916724s, next run in 1m0s
Version info
Flux version: 0.41.2
helm-controller: v0.31.2
image-automation-controller: v0.31.0
image-reflector-controller: v0.26.1
kustomize-controller: v0.35.1
notification-controller: v0.33.0
source-controller: v0.36.1
We're currently running in to this as well. We have a service that receives notifications as generic webhooks from Flux and deduplicates them itself by hashing various parts of it and storing it in a database. This is quite inconvenient and it would be great if this could be handled in Flux itself instead.
We are seeing the issue with Kustomizations as well. We get webhooks sent every time they reconcile right now, which is unusable.
Drop the Reconciliation finished in
in the Alert using https://fluxcd.io/flux/components/notification/alerts/#event-exclusion