
Push/Pull on knobs not working

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Aircraft Version


Build info

    "built": "2024-03-05T23:37:19+00:00",
    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
    "sha": "a1d7acb92c17eec6fb6a53d62a94d1408cf8adc7",
    "actor": "Maximilian-Reuter",
    "event_name": "manual",
    "pretty_release_name": "master:a1d7acb9",
    "version": "a32nx-v0.12.0-dev.a1d7acb"

Describe the bug

The cursor no longer turns into an upwards or downwards arrow when pulling knobs and when changing the lights on the overhead, you cant use the up/down cursor rather its js just the "hand" cursor

Expected behavior

Up/down arrow cursor when adjusting knobs such as pulling the altimeter to change to std pressure

Steps to reproduce

Load into plane
try push/pull knobs such as the altitude to do managed or open climb

References (optional)

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Can you confirm this is with the Legacy controls enabled in the MSFS settings?

This behaviour is exactly what occurs when the setting is not in legacy mode. MSFS can have a habit of resetting settings, too.

Got it, thanks so much