
THR LVR FLX/MCT detent commands idle thrust

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Aircraft Version


Build info

    "built": "2024-04-11T09:40:23+00:00",
    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
    "sha": "85d041413c2b47ffd0a054d748aa5a5305f84dac",
    "actor": "frankkopp",
    "event_name": "manual",
    "pretty_release_name": "master:85d04141",
    "version": "a32nx-v0.12.0-dev.85d0414"

Describe the bug

Idle thrust is commanded when the THR LVRs are set to FLX/MCT. This does not seem to be affecting the rest of the takeoff logic (T/O inhibit is correctly displayed when THR LVR set to FLX/MCT).

ECAM message is shown (see image below)

Expected behavior

FLX/MCT thrust commanded when THR LVR set to FLX/MCT detent.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load the aircraft following all procedures.
  2. Start takeoff roll and notice FADEC commanding idle power when THR LVRs are set to FLX/MCT.

References (optional)

Video of the issue showcasing the THR LVR position, commanded thrust on ECAM as well as throttle config on the EFB:


Additional info (optional)

This issue is likely linked to #8547

Other users are stating similar issues. See Discord #a32nx-support

Discord Username (optional)


Thanks for this report - will look into this as it might indeed be connected to the last update.

@frankkopp I saved the FDR file of the recording in case you need it. I can DM it to you on Discord. GitHub complains about the file type.