
Gear lights on Honeycomb Bravo not working correctly

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Aircraft Version


Build info

    "built": "2024-04-24T17:04:51+00:00",
    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
    "sha": "c989ce225b7a6c201346dfc73609ea45eb203ff0",
    "actor": "frankkopp",
    "event_name": "manual",
    "pretty_release_name": "master:c989ce22",
    "version": "a32nx-v0.12.0-dev.c989ce2"

Describe the bug

The main gear lights on the Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant, are affected by the landing lights. When landing lights are on, the main gear lights show red.
This started since early April on the Dev build and is still the case. That was not the case before in Dev builds until at least early March, and has never been the case before. I am assuming that it is somehow linked to the extendable landing lights - the extension of the landing lights is being picked up.
Honeycomb has not changed their software or driver for over a year.

Expected behavior

Gear down - 3 greens
Gear on travel - 3 reds
Gear up - all lights off

Steps to reproduce

  1. While taxiing and on takeoff - 3 greens on the Honeycomb Bravo
  2. After takeoff, pull the gear up - 3 reds
  3. Once gear is up - 2 main gear lights stay red
  4. The 2 reds turn off only when landing lights are turned off.
  5. During approach, the 2 reds turn on again when you turn on landing lights.

References (optional)

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Which simvars/localvars does the Honeycomb software read?

Which simvars/localvars does the Honeycomb software read?

I found the following in the config file. Not sure if it helps. It works for all planes, default and addons.

      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 0,
      "Condition": "A:GEAR LEFT POSITION, percent over 100",
      "ConditionValue": "=1"
      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 1,
      "ConditionLogic": "&&",
      "Conditions": [
          "Condition": "A:GEAR LEFT POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": "<1"
          "Condition": "A:GEAR LEFT POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": ">0"
      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 2,
      "Condition": "A:GEAR CENTER POSITION, percent over 100",
      "ConditionValue": "=1"
      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 3,
      "ConditionLogic": "&&",
      "Conditions": [
          "Condition": "A:GEAR CENTER POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": "<1"
          "Condition": "A:GEAR CENTER POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": ">0"
      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 4,
      "Condition": "A:GEAR RIGHT POSITION, percent over 100",
      "ConditionValue": "=1"
      "ByteIndex": 2,
      "BitIndex": 5,
      "ConditionLogic": "&&",
      "Conditions": [
          "Condition": "A:GEAR RIGHT POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": "<1"
          "Condition": "A:GEAR RIGHT POSITION, percent over 100",
          "ConditionValue": ">0"

I believe this is because #8554 drops the main gear slightly when landing lights are deployed to trick the sim into creating drag.