
Expo compatibility

timoisalive opened this issue · 8 comments


I'm trying to give the library a test but running into trouble getting started. I have a blank Expo (SDK 47) project and I have added the @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas package. However, when I run the project npx expo run:ios, I get following errors.

Is the library supposed to be usable with Expo? If yes, a short guide on the steps to take would be super!


❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:81:25)

  79 | RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(disable:(NSString*) componentId)
  80 | {
> 81 |     [self.gcanvasModule disable:componentId];
     |                         ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'disable:'
  82 | }
  83 | 
  84 | //preload image

❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:95:25)

  93 | RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD(drawCanvas2Canvas:(NSDictionary*)dict)
  94 | {
> 95 |     [self.gcanvasModule drawCanvas2Canvas:dict];
     |                         ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'drawCanvas2Canvas:'
  96 |     
  97 |     return nil;
  98 | }

❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:120:25)

  118 | RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(setDevicePixelRatio:(NSString*)componentId ratio:(CGFloat)ratio)
  119 | {
> 120 |     [self.gcanvasModule setDevicePixelRatio:componentId ratio:ratio];
      |                         ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'setDevicePixelRatio:ratio:'
  121 | }
  122 | 
  123 | RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD(resetGlViewport:(NSString*)componentId)

❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:125:25)

  123 | RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD(resetGlViewport:(NSString*)componentId)
  124 | {
> 125 |     [self.gcanvasModule resetGlViewport:componentId];
      |                         ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'resetGlViewport:'
  126 |     
  127 |     return nil;
  128 | }

❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:132:32)

  130 | RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD(toDataURL:(NSString*)componentId mimeType:(NSString*)mimeType quality:(CGFloat)quality)
  131 | {
> 132 |     return [self.gcanvasModule toDataURL:componentId mimeType:mimeType quality:quality];
      |                                ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'toDataURL:mimeType:quality:'
  133 | }
  134 | 
  135 | //set loglevel

❌  (node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/ios/RCTGCanvasModule.m:150:25)

  148 | RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(render:(NSString*)componentId commands:(NSString *)commands type:(NSUInteger)type)
  149 | {
> 150 |     [self.gcanvasModule render:componentId commands:commands type:type];
      |                         ^ no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'render:commands:type:'
  151 | }
  152 | 
  153 | #pragma mark - Export Sync RN Method

If some configuration is required, a config plugin could maybe serve the need?

Is npx expo run:android OK?

Android fails as well 😢

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/Users/xxx/yyy/gcanvas-test/android/app/build.gradle' line: 92

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Could not open cp_dsl generic class cache for script '/Users/xxx/yyy/gcanvas-test/node_modules/react-native/react.gradle' (/Users/xxx/.gradle/caches/7.5.1/scripts/iw3zdgivw8z53seb2tteei08).
   > BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 63

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build.gradle

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

@timoisalive Hello, a couple of days ago I tried to run this canvas as well as the react-native-pixi library outside the repository, for example with the latest version of react-native, or using the expo template, but I didn’t succeed, I ran into too many problems (at least I'm new and don't understand much about gradle java and writing libraries), but it seemed to me that the author still has a lot of work and he didn't plan to update it for the latest versions of nodejs react-native and expo 🙁🙁🙁. I found an analogue, but alas, there is not everything that is in the latest versions of pixijs.

@Mario2280 , I just test with nodejs v15 (v15 is the last version can run on Win7, other version on other OS should also be OK) to use latest version of react-native

npx react-native init RN70 --version 0.70.6

then add @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas just like what said in, and the API's e.g. ctx.fill() also works well.

So the only problem is expo, I'll try to use expo when I'm not busy.

PS: Is the original without latest version of react-native or using the expo OK for you?


Breaking: Any APP now can be based on pixi.js @4, @5, @6 or @7 directly without react-native-pixi as described in react-native-pixi@3, you can easily follow the comments in example to use any version of pixi.

@timoisalive , I npm install expo@47.0.13 react-native@0.70.5 into as expo bare project today, and it works well on my Android phone. So is your project an expo managed project?

@timoisalive , the cause of no visible @interface for 'GCanvasModule' declares the selector 'disable:' is you miss the

Add below into `/ios/Podfile`
  pod "GCanvas", :path => "../node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/GCanvas.podspec"

that desribed in 😝