
z-index of a translation popup is too low

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Changeset 3f216f2 among other things changed z-index property for #translate-popup-content from 9999 to 50, but I occasionally use this extension on a site that itself utilizes z-index property in range 1-500 for its own content. This way translation popup is now often hidden behind the site ​layout making the extension completely useless since a translation in most cases now can't be read at all.

And it seems that I can't even quick-hack it by increasing z-index of a popup with some CSS overriding extensions due to its shadow root.

Yeah, 50 is the maximum default value in Tailwind, so I overlooked it. Original 9999 is restored now.
Update 1.6.2 should be available in Chrome after the review (from hours to couple days).