
Flyte Hacktoberfest 2022: Issues, Ideas and Guidelines

samhita-alla opened this issue ยท 42 comments

Hello hello ๐Ÿ‘‹!

It's that time of year again! We're excited to kick off Hacktoberfest and get you started on your open-source contributions. As a product that's dedicated to a better tech future, we love the message behind this event: that by collaborating and encouraging each other, we can all make a difference. โœจ

This issue tracks all the engineering, content-related ideas, issues and contribution guidelines to help you get started with Flyte and Hacktoberfest!

We highly recommend you check out our contribution guide to start contributing to Flyte. Our blog post presents a detailed overview of the grand prize and swag we'll give away.

Before working on an issue, please leave a comment saying #self-assign on the issue and get it assigned to you.

Code and Documentation Contributions

Flyte has multiple repositories you could contribute to. The following is a detailed breakdown of all the available issues against the repository they relate to:

Repo Scope Tech stack Section
Flyte Deployment Configuration & Documentation Helm, RST Flyte
Flytekit Python SDK & Integrations Python Flytekit
Flytesnacks User Guide, Tutorials, Case Studies Python, Sphinx Flytesnacks
Flyteconsole Admin Console UI/UX, TypeScript Flyteconsole
Flytectl Flyte CLI Golang Flytectl
Flytepropeller Flyte data plane Golang Flytepropeller
Flyteplugins Flyte backend plugins Golang Flyteplugins


Contribution Guide


Contribution Guide


Contribution Guide






Blog Contributions

Flyte's a data, ML and infrastructure orchestrator. If you've ideas about writing introductory articles or showcasing Flyte's features or tutorials, we are all ears! Our editorial team will review the article, and you can raise a PR to list it on the documentation. The article can be published either on your blog or can be submitted to the Flyte blog.

Here are a couple of ideas we have:

  • MLOps vs. ML Orchestration
  • MLOps for Data Scientists
  • What is Data Orchestration
  • Flyte Spark Plugin: Setup & Example
  • Cache serialization

If you think you might have something to contribute, please comment on this issue!

Feel free to share more feature requests, content ideas, or just about any idea that could enhance the DX or UX as a comment on this issue.

October's going to be a fun month. We're looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Happy Hacktoberfest!

I am very interested in contributing to Flyte

@pwnb0y, awesome! Please feel free to assign yourself to the issues you want to work on.

@samhita-alla, there is no self-assign action here.

@samhita-alla, there is no self-assign action here.

My bad! Updated the description now.

@samhita-alla, there is no self-assign action here.

My bad! Updated the description now.

I still don't understand how we could assign ourselves.

@samhita-alla, there is no self-assign action here.

My bad! Updated the description now.

I still don't understand how we could assign ourselves.

@Azanul, click "assign yourself".


@samhita-alla, there is no self-assign action here.

My bad! Updated the description now.

I still don't understand how we could assign ourselves.

@Azanul, click "assign yourself".


@samhita-alla, I don't think I've sufficient permissions for doing that.


I would like to contribute on some blogs. So can you assign that to me

@Azanul, ah okay! Why don't you leave a comment on the issue you want to work on? I'll assign it to you.

I would like to contribute on some blogs. So can you assign that to me

@BAGEERADHAN, there's no issue for blog posts. If you're willing to work on one, please feel free to create a draft and share it here or on Slack. You can create a PR later for the same.

@aryabyte21, thanks for sending the article along! Will review it shortly.

Hi team! I would like to work on What is Data Orchestration?

Here is the draft to look for updates if required.

@srini047, the draft's emtpy.

@srini047, the draft's emtpy.

I just submitted the draft to show my interest. Will update after I complete the draft.

Hey! I am interested in converting the Docs and Blogs into Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, French, or Russian
I can also try out Portuguese and Arabic

Just tell them the language in which you want them to be, and I will start working on them.

@VanshajPoonia, sorry, we don't need our docs to be available in multiple languages for now.

#self-assign (test)





@samhita-alla Are you allowing multiple assignments to the same issue?
If not, I'd like to fix a couple of things

Please don't assign yourself to this issue. If you'd like to work on an issue that's there in the description, go ahead.

@samhita-alla I was just testing the self-assign

@samhita-alla Can I implement

  1. blocking multiple users self-assign
  2. unassigning automatically if no activity for 15 days

I like (2). Might not want (1).

How about auto-closing issues when their respective PR is merged?

That's possible through linked PRs, right?

Yes, but I don't think it is being used. Many of us are simply unaware of the proper syntax. It'd help if you mention it.
How to link an issue to a PR

@samhita-alla Should I deal with stale PRs in the same or leave them as they are?

@Azanul, what stale PRs are you talking about?

PRs that have been inactive for a specific time, like 30 days or something. Like this one: Stale PR

Um, okay. Can you push the changes to the same PR? You can keep it like 120 days because some of our PRs are valid for a long time.

Hey @samhita-alla, can you open some more Good First Issues & Hacktoberfest based Issues? Most of the issues have been taken up & some people are working on them, others are not. I am not able to contribute. Thanks

@Devolta05, take a look at the unassigned issues here: We might not be able to create more of them. If say, it has been a week or so but the assigned issue doesn't have a PR yet, then feel free to create one; I can re-assign it to you.

@srini047, the draft's emtpy.

I have updated the draft. Any changes appreciated.

Hey @samhita-alla ,
Is there any update on the swags and prizes ? How and when we'll get them ?

@techytushar, we'll start shipping swag at the end of November.

Closing this hacktoberfest issue out.