Precompile/compile with nunjucks templates
rrdesignweb opened this issue · 0 comments
rrdesignweb commented
Hi there this is a long shot but, hope someone can help,
I am using gulp-inline-source & gulp-nunjucks-render ( plus browserSync to show the updated UI
The plugin does something, but the problem is i don't think it properly writes the file, only when I do a hard refresh the UI is updated.
pipe(nunjucksRender({ path: njkPaths, ext: "", data: ENV_VARS, envOptions: { trimBlocks: true, lstripBlocks: true } })) .pipe(inlineSource({ compress: false, saveRemote: true, handlers: [require("./nunjucksHandler.js")] ?? }))
I was trying the precompile approach popeindustries/inline-source#70 (comment) but got nowhere.
const Nunjucks = require('nunjucks'); module.exports = function nunjucks(source, context) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if ( source.fileContent && !source.content && source.type == "text/css" ) { let content; try { content = Nunjucks.precompile(source.fileContent); } catch (err) { return reject(err); } // Need to expose templates for later use somehow... source.content = content } resolve(); }); };
<link inline href="{{ENV_PARTIALS_BASE_PATH}}/common/terms-and-conditions/index.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
{% somenunjucks syntax etc %}