
Extending geogrid_simulator domain plots?

marfel opened this issue · 1 comments


we find the geogrid_simulator very useful, but since we sometime have very small offshore domains, it would be helpful to be able to increase the map boundary beyond the outermost domain. Otherwise we sometimes end up seeing only ocean. We tried different things in that regard already, but -- being new to the library -- so far nothing really worked. Can you think of a simple solution for implementing this?


The current design of the tool does not really allow this, but it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Since it's just about the graphical representation, one should create N+1 maps (with N the number of domains) here in code. The first map should be created from an "extented" grid object. This is probably the only thing that requires a bit of thinking. Maybe there could be a Grid.extend() or Grid.enlarge() method that returns a new grid enlarged by a given number of grid points?