
Don't reply to posts with very common titles?

NeatNit opened this issue · 0 comments

First off I'll say right off the bat that this is not a big problem and really easy to ignore when it happens. Still, it's a bit of an interesting thing to look into maybe! Up to you.

There are a lot of posts on /r/AnarchyChess with incredibly common titles, such as "White to play and mate in 1", as in this post:

The bot doesn't really get any useful results in these cases. In this case: :

Relevant r/chess post: White to play . Something promising in store ?

Certainty: 66.67%

and :

Relevant r/chessbeginners post: White to move. Mate in 2.

Certainty: 57.14%

Perhaps the bar for relevance should be set higher for such cases?

Also, why did the bot comment twice here? Why not one comment with both links?