
Base64 Rentry - dead links

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Bad sites

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Hey, noticed a dead link on the Base64 Rentry and decided to go through the entire document. Note that some of the sites could have simply been down at the time I checked. Others seem to be indefinitely offline. It took a while to check everything, so I hope I can help keep the site fresh (well, the linked FMHY document, which I assume you can still access).

I'll refer to the links by their "section" / title; if there is more than one link in a section I'll specify which one is broken (most have like, 3 max). My list should also be in order from the top down.

Dead / Broken Sites:
80s - site seems to be unrelated to the original purpose + have a new owner.
Squid Proxy - "Site is shut down for now. Thanks for everything :)". not sure how long it's been shut down. "for now" is not reassuring.
Hacked Super Mario - dead.
Rhapsody - dead?
TYLER - dead?
Arquivista (LINK 1) - google doc deleted.
FlixHub - taken down, I sideload all my movie apps but versions uploaded to the actual app store are usually found sooner or later lol. there seems to be a new one, but I'd just link to an IPA or delete.
MegaFlix - same thing as FlixHub. I actually use a sideloaded IPA for this one, but it's not on the app store now.
server.elscione - dead?

Thanks for letting us know, just got them all removed from both the wiki and base64 page.