
onOptionSelected does not trigger on click

amitava82 opened this issue · 4 comments

Only keyboard event works

FYI HubSpot#6 has a quick workaround that uses onMouseDown instead of onClick to check for clicks on options. If this is still appropriate behavior for the typeahead, I can patch to this repo

I had this issue, but in my case, I was trying to hide results onBlur. The blur was firing before the selection was made. Just putting that here incase it helps you or anyone else

@zdhickman is there anyway to get an onlick or onmousedown event right now? I tried both and neither work? I'm using css to expand/contract the search box on focus, which isn't allowing me to use onclick to send the typeahead slection

I had this issue, I fixed with a setTimeout while they patch a better solution.

onBlur(e) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        if (this.refs.typeahead.state['showResults']) this.refs.typeahead.setState({showResults: false})
    }, 150);