
solver for flow and heat transfer problem

mohdtarmizan opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm just wondering if this solver is possible for modification to include heat tranfer equation (energy equation) ? Is there any source of literatures or papers where this HFDIB based on ? thanks.

fmuni commented

it is possible to use the library for simulating heat transfer.
This can be carried out by implementing a function for scalar fields (or templating the existent one) and eventually implementing boundary conditions for the immersed body like in

Regarding the references, I just added the links in the However, while the algorithm is basically the same, those works refer to the library I implemented for DCS computing (i.e., CFDEMCoupling) that is also able to solve for scalar transport and is completely parallel.

thanks for the explanation. I'll try to implement the heat transfer function to this library.

I'm trying to use the immersed boundary method to deal with reactive particles too. Except for the openHFDIB.C, I'm also wondering that how can I modify the solver to make the species transport and energy equation involved? Or, is there a public version already available? Many thanks.

Hi Rlyehzoo,
if you want to investigate mass transfer + heat transfer within particle you could use ParScale library (for spherical particles).
This can be coupled with CFDEM-coupling (OPENFOAM & LIGGGHTS))
For example:- particles in fluidised bed
The coupling is public version.