librarian-chef error "Could not resolve the dependencies."
Opened this issue · 4 comments
chaoranxie commented
for some reason librarian-chef is not resolving the dependencies. Cheffile shown below
#!/usr/bin/env ruby #^syntax detection site '' cookbook 'rvm_passenger', :git => '', :ref => 'v0.8.2'
chaoranxie commented
This will resolved. but the nginx "0.101.6" cookbook that it resolved give me and error when i try to run rvm_passenger::nginx
cookbook 'rvm', :git => '' cookbook 'rvm_passenger', :git => '', :ref => 'v0.8.2'
chaoranxie commented
but this will not so i had to manually download the right nginx cookbooks because the one automatically resolved by librarian-chef does not work. the nginx cookbook result in the auto dependencies is nginx "0.101.6"
cookbook 'nginx', :git => '', :ref => '1.1.0' cookbook 'rvm', :git => '' cookbook 'rvm_passenger', :git => '', :ref => 'v0.8.2'
chrisbloom7 commented
FYI - resolved by bumping the versions in the metadata file
shayneoneill commented
I'm getting this error (from a vagrant install) and I have no goddamn idea how to debug it.