Tutorial idea: State in Stateless Functions
carimura opened this issue · 4 comments
carimura commented
- connecting to database
- writing to cloud service
- using the temporary disk space
- ...
sherwoodzern commented
Sherwood Zern and Mike Muller will work on these 2 efforts. Sherwood will address the DB CRUD functionality and Mike Muller will implement the Object Storage functionality.
carimura commented
Awesome! Connection pooling and throttling (concurrency limit as to not ddos db) also typical FAQs.
zootalures commented
There is a quick demo of a DB connection pool in Java here https://github.com/fnproject/fdk-java/blob/master/docs/FunctionConfiguration.md (Example: Configuring a Database Connection)
arestov commented
Could you drop few lines here how to make connection pool for nodejs fn?
p.s. this issue and java tutorial is on top of google's results for «fnproject connection pool»