
Many links in read me result in 404 error

sahil48 opened this issue · 10 comments

Links like roadmap are missing

Hi @sahil48! Where are you seeing broken links?

The links should work both in the editable workspace in VSCode and on the rendered site at

At this point it's expected that the links are broken on the GitHub web UI due to the way the foam-vscode link references are created without .md extension (which would break the rendered page)

This is not ideal and I have an idea of how to fix this, but it requires a fair bit of work. I'll add it to the documentation and roadmap!

Makes sense. It is on the github homepage.

Sorry, I didn't see this duplicate. Anyhow, the link issue also exists on the ReadMe page in the repo I created from the template. If there's any way I can help, let me know - I'd love to be able to try this but can't can't past installation.

@Downes can you please describe the link issue in more detail? If you are expecting the links to work in the GitHub-rendered preview on your GitHub repository, that's not going to work (for now) for reasons described above.

They should however work inside your VS Code editing environment, and in the published GitHub Pages site, if you choose to publish it.

If you have issues in either of those environments, please provide screenshots etc. for reproduction.

OK. I followed the link from ProductHunt to the Foam GitHub page where as I pointed out, a number of the links don't work.

However, I was able to find the published Foam page at and went to the 'Create a New Repository' page - - and entered a repository name (foam-test) and created it. The resulting repository is at

The ReadMe on my generated repository states 'We've created a few Bubbles (markdown documents) to get you started', however, these links do not work.

There are no further instructions on this page. The instructions on the Foam project page state "Write your thoughts in markdown documents (I like to call them Bubbles, but that might be more than a little twee). These documents should be atomic: Put things that belong together into a single document, and limit its content to that single topic. (source)". But this doesn't tell me whether I should use any particular interface (VSCode?) to create the documents, or where I should store them (local cloned repo?).

So I am left literally without a next step to proceed further. (FWIW I have a lot of experience with tech, but still find working with GitHub unintuitive - I think the next step (maybe, publish pages, somehow?) might be obvious to you, but it isn't to me).

@Downes that's fair feedback. The first use experience could certainly be improved. I built this product in the last week, and put it out for early preview a couple of days ago, wasn't expecting such interest and adoption. I've been trying to drive traffic to the generated documentation site (where instructions should be at least a bit clearer), and didn't think of the user experience of someone landing straight to the GitHub repository.

The Getting started guide here is probably what you're after:

As a first step, I'll move these instructions to the foam-template readme, along with an explanation about the broken links. That's not an ideal first-use experience, but it's the one we've got now!

Thanks for your detailed feedback and error report!

@Downes I've improved the template readme here!

That worked really well. I now have the cloned repo and can see clearly where the markdown pages go. By following the instructions in foam-recipes I published my repo. So, very good. I'll be exploring it now and will follow up. Thank you.

Closing in favour of tracking at #16