
Missing days for german federals

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Looks like jollyday ignores the federals in germany.

To Reproduce
Using the following example code:

package org.example;

import de.focus_shift.Holiday;
import de.focus_shift.HolidayManager;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Set;

public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        HolidayManager holidayManager = HolidayManager.getInstance();
        Set<Holiday> days = holidayManager.getHolidays(
                "de", "bw"

        System.out.println("\n" + days.size() + " of 12 days found:");

        for( Holiday tag: days )
            System.out.println( tag.toString() );

        // Fixed: 6th of january
        System.out.println( "Heilige drei Könige: " +
                holidayManager.isHoliday(LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 6), "de", "bw") );

        // Moving: 60 days after Christ's resurrection day
        System.out.println( "Fronleichnam: " +
                holidayManager.isHoliday(LocalDate.of(2023, 6, 8), "de", "bw") );


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






9 of 12 days found:
2023-05-01 (Tag der Arbeit)
2023-04-10 (Ostermontag)
2023-04-07 (Karfreitag)
2023-01-01 (Neujahr)
2023-05-18 (Christi Himmelfahrt)
2023-05-29 (Pfingstmontag)
2023-10-03 (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)
2023-12-25 (1. Weihnachtsfeiertag)
2023-12-26 (2. Weihnachtsfeiertag)
Heilige drei Könige: false
Fronleichnam: false

while these days are defined in the xml (Holidays_de.xml:52):

  <tns:SubConfigurations hierarchy="bw" description="Baden-Württemberg">
      <tns:Fixed month="JANUARY" day="6" descriptionPropertiesKey="EPIPHANY"/>
      <tns:Fixed month="NOVEMBER" day="1" descriptionPropertiesKey="ALL_SAINTS"/>

      <tns:RelativeToFixed validFrom="1945" validTo="1989" descriptionPropertiesKey="REPENTANCE_PRAYER">
        <tns:Date month="NOVEMBER" day="23"/>

      <tns:ChristianHoliday type="CORPUS_CHRISTI" descriptionPropertiesKey="christian.CORPUS_CHRISTI"/>

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Java: temurin-19.0.2
  • jollyday: 0.16.0 installed via maven

Hey @terwarf,

thanks for your issue. Did you write a example project? Can you upload it to GitHub and send me a link to it? That would be great.

Hi @derTobsch,

sure, here you go:

Thanks for looking into that issue.

Hey @terwarf,

this is because the readme is terribly wrong, how to retrieve the public holidays. Thanks for pointing that out.

You need to declare a HolidayManager with the correct parameters and not providing the country as args parameter.

It should be like this e.g.

        HolidayManager holidayManager = HolidayManager.getInstance(ManagerParameters.create(GERMANY));
        Set<Holiday> days = holidayManager.getHolidays(

otherwise the fallback is the us as country and therefore you cannot retrieve any German public holidays

I improved the readme as a quick fix. I think I should add more examples so that it will be clearer how to use the api. Also add more Javadoc.

@derTobsch Thanks a lot for the clarification. Now I get the expected results. 👍

@terwarf thanks for bringing this up! Hope you enjoy the lib.